CHICKEN Flight Test

This is a test harness for CHICKEN Scheme, designed to help check for build problems across the various platforms it supports. It’s stitched together from Vagrant, shell scripts, and an assortment of virtual machines found on the Vagrant Cloud.


In short:

vagrant status              # list available platforms
vagrant test                # test chicken on all platforms
vagrant test <machine> ...  # test chicken on specific platforms


There is a separate virtual machine for each build platform and architecture. You can list all of them with vagrant status.

To create a test machine, run vagrant up <machine>. When started for the first time, it will fetch and install all of CHICKEN’s build dependencies. This may take some time. If anything goes wrong, you can run vagrant provision <machine> to try again.

Once a machine has been created, it can be used to test CHICKEN. The test process is broken down into three steps:

  1. fetch - Fetches two copies of CHICKEN: one from a release tarball and one from the core Git repository.
  2. reset - Removes build artifacts from any previous test runs and resets the Git checkout to the correct revision.
  3. check - Builds and tests CHICKEN: first the release version, then a bootstrap build from Git, then a full install from Git using the bootstrap build, and finally the test suite.

To run these steps in order, run vagrant test <machine>. See vagrant test --help for details about the supported options. Test output is saved to the logs directory, named according to the build platform.


If a file called Vagrantfile.local exists, it will be loaded and any changes it makes to the Test::Env hash will be put into effect. This hash controls the test script’s environment variables, and can also be used to adjust the following build variables:

For example, to test a specific branch or commit, you can set the value of Test::Env[:REFERENCE]:

Test::Env[:REFERENCE] = 'amazing-feature-branch'


It’s possible to test on Windows, but you’ll need to provide the Vagrant boxes yourself. You can create these from the boxcutter project’s templates for Windows with the following commands1:

git clone git:// boxcutter/windows
cd boxcutter/windows
make virtualbox/eval-win10x86-enterprise-ssh
make virtualbox/eval-win10x64-enterprise-ssh

Building these boxes will take a long time and use a lot of disk space, but once they have been created you’ll be able to use them for testing.

writing, so refer to the project’s README for more details.


Patches are very welcome, especially those that add support for more test platforms.

When setting up a new platform, there are a few things to note:


Send questions, comments, and patches to Evan Hanson


Public Domain.

  1. The commands to create the boxes may have changed since time of