Heroku Buildpack: CHICKEN Scheme

This is a Buildpack for deploying CHICKEN Scheme apps to Heroku.

It comes with CHICKEN 4.13.0 and uses the egg packaging infrastructure to manage dependencies.

This project is no longer maintained. It may not work, and even if it does, it doesn’t support any versions of CHICKEN newer than 4.13.0. You probably don’t want to use it, or at least not without updating it first.


$ git ls-files

$ cat deploy.meta
((description "An example CHICKEN app for Heroku")
 (depends awful))

$ cat run.scm
(use awful)
(define-page (main-page-path)
  (lambda () "Hello World!"))

$ cat Procfile
web: awful --port=$PORT run.scm

$ heroku apps:create --buildpack https://bitbucket.org/evhan/heroku-buildpack-chicken.git

$ git push heroku master
remote: -----> CHICKEN app detected
remote: -----> Installing CHICKEN 4.13.0
remote: -----> Installing eggs
remote: -----> Copying CHICKEN onto slug
remote: -----> Configuring default environment
remote: -----> Discovering process types
remote:        Procfile declares types -> web
remote: -----> Compressing...
remote:        Done: 5.7M
remote: -----> Launching...
remote:        Released v1
remote:        http://deep-journey-2786.herokuapp.com deployed to Heroku

To be recognized as a CHICKEN application, your project must have a run.scm, deploy.meta or deploy.setup file in its root. If no Procfile is included in the app, run.scm will be run as the default web process.

If a deploy.meta file is present, dependencies listed therein will be installed onto your slug during the deploy. This file should follow CHICKEN’s metafile format.

If a deploy.setup file is present, it will be run by chicken-install during the deploy. This file should follow CHICKEN’s setupfile format.

The vendored CHICKEN and installed eggs are cached between deploys. If a deploy.setup file is present, however, it is always rerun.

A specific version of CHICKEN to install can be defined in the metafile:

$ cat deploy.meta
((description "An example CHICKEN app for Heroku")
 (depends awful)
 (chicken 4.12.0))

The following CHICKEN releases are available in this way: