*sendai.txt* *sendai* Operators for sending text to an external file. Author: Evan Hanson License: BSD. See |sendai-license|. This plugin only works on Vim 7.0 or newer, and only when 'compatible' is not set. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION *sendai-introduction* This plugin adds an operator that can be combined with other Vim motions to write text to an external file or command, typically a REPL. By default, the operator is mapped to the key sequence `gs`. When invoked, it writes the current text object, including a trailing newline, to the configured output. See |sendai-configuration| for more information about choosing a destination filename or command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONFIGURATION *sendai-configuration* An output file must be configured before the `gs` operator will have any effect (by default, it simply writes to /dev/null). To specify a destination filename either globally or for a specific buffer, use the following functions: sendai#SetGlobalFile(string) sendai#SetBufferFile(string) The following key mappings are handy for this purpose: nnoremap :call \ sendai#SetGlobalFile(input("REPL file: ", "", "file")) nnoremap :call \ sendai#SetBufferFile(input("REPL file: ", "", "file")) An output filter can be specified with the following functions: sendai#SetGlobalCommand(string) sendai#SetBufferCommand(string) The default filter command is simply `cat`. To specify an alternative keybinding for the operator in normal or visual mode, set the following globals: let g:sendai_normal_leader = 'ga' let g:sendai_visual_leader = 'ga' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LICENSE *sendai-license* Copyright © 2014-2019 Evan Hanson . BSD-style license. See LICENSE for details.